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How to Conduct Effective Tenant Screenings in New Zealand

August 26, 2024

We love focusing on the positives, but let’s be real – a lot can go wrong with tenants. From unpaid rent to leaving your place in ruins, odds are you’ve heard your fair share of horror stories. That’s why you can’t underestimate the importance of a solid landlord-tenant screening guide. From advertising your property to conducting thorough background checks, we’ve got everything you need to know to keep your rental experience smooth and drama-free.

Preparing for Tenant Screenings

A thorough screening tenant process is your best defence against potential pitfalls down the road. Make sure your rental application form covers all the essentials: personal details, current and past addresses, employment history, proof of income, and references. It's also wise to obtain the tenant's consent for credit and background checks to verify their financial stability and the accuracy of the information provided.

Create a checklist for your ideal tenant that includes consistent income (ideally three times the rent), steady employment, and positive reviews from previous landlords. Additionally, consider whether you have any preferences around smoking and pets, and include these criteria in your screening process

Advertising the Rental Property 

The effectiveness of your rental listing directly impacts the quality of tenants you attract. Put simply, a great listing equals a wider pool of suitable applicants. Start with a catchy headline that highlights a key feature, like "Spacious 3-Bedroom Home with Stunning Harbour Views." Since a picture is worth a thousand words, include high-quality photos that capture your property's best angles—some landlords even invest in a professional photographer. 

Next, add a detailed description covering the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, amenities, nearby attractions, and any unique features. Platforms like Trade Me Property, and are fantastic for reaching a broad audience. Remember to keep your listing up-to-date and respond promptly to inquiries to leave a great first impression.

Conducting Initial Interviews

The initial interview with potential tenants is your opportunity to get a feel for who might be living in your property. Prepare questions that will give you insight into their suitability, such as:

  • "Why are you looking to move?"
  • "When do you plan to move in?"
  • “Do you have any pets?” 
  • “Do you prefer a fixed-term or periodic tenancy?”
  • "How many people will be living here?"
  • "Can you provide references from previous landlords and your employer?"

During these conversations, be on the lookout for red flags like reluctance to provide references, inconsistent answers, or a history of frequent moves. Trust your instincts—if something doesn’t feel right, it’s worth digging deeper.

Background Checks for Tenants

Ensuring your rental property is in good hands starts with thorough background checks. Here's how to make the process as smooth as possible:

Credit Checks

Understanding the importance of credit checks is key to protecting your investment. When a potential tenant submits their pre-tenancy application form, ensure they consent to a credit check. This step helps you verify their financial stability and spot any red flags early on. There are plenty of private services that will perform a credit check for you. When interpreting credit reports, look for consistent payment histories, outstanding debts, and any defaults. 

Tenant Reference Checks

Contacting previous landlords is the key to understanding your potential tenant's rental behaviour. Ask questions that provide insight into their reliability, such as:

  • Did the tenant promptly inform you about maintenance or repairs?
  • How quickly did they return calls?
  • Was the property kept clean and tidy?
  • Were there any issues with late rent payments, and how were they resolved?

If you suspect a referee isn't being entirely honest, it's wise to reach out to additional contacts for verification. Ask employers about the tenant’s job stability and character, while personal contacts can shed light on their overall reliability. This comprehensive approach ensures you get a well-rounded view of your potential tenant.

Other Considerations

If you’ve had bad experiences in the past and are particularly worried about finding the right tenant, there are a few extra precautions you can take. Check if they've had any run-ins with the Tenancy Tribunal—past disputes can reveal a lot. A criminal background check can uncover any hidden skeletons. Combining these checks with thorough references and credit evaluations will give you a well-rounded picture, ensuring you're not left with any nasty surprises. 

Legal Considerations 

Understanding the legal side of tenant screenings is essential to keep things smooth and compliant:

  • First, let’s talk about requirements around privacy. The Privacy Act ensures you handle personal information responsibly. Only collect what you need and be clear about why you’re collecting it. Tenants have a right to know how their information will be used.
  • Next up are anti-discrimination laws. Treat all applicants fairly, regardless of race, gender, age, or other protected characteristics. Your evaluation should focus on their ability to meet rental obligations, not personal attributes.
  • Lastly, beware of oral contracts. Saying something like "You can have the house" could be legally binding, even if it’s not in writing. Be careful with your words and make sure all commitments are clear and documented.

Making the Final Decision 

When it comes to making the final decision, it’s all about evaluating the information you’ve gathered and making a fair, informed choice. Review the tenant's credit and background checks, references, and interview responses to get a comprehensive view of their suitability. Look for consistency in their information and weigh any red flags against the overall picture.

Once you’ve made your decision, communicate promptly and professionally with all applicants. Let the successful tenant know the next steps and inform other applicants politely that they were not selected. Clear communication maintains a positive reputation and could lead to future opportunities with those applicants.

Case Studies

At The Rent Shop, we’ve had our fair share of tenant interactions and learned valuable lessons along the way. Here are two case studies that highlight the importance of thorough screening.

Success Story 

One of our landlords, Emma, came to us looking for a reliable tenant. We advertised her property with detailed descriptions and high-quality photos, which attracted numerous applicants. After collecting comprehensive applications, conducting interviews, and performing background checks, we found Sarah. Her glowing references and consistent information made her the perfect tenant. Thanks to our diligent process, Sarah has been a model tenant, paying rent on time and keeping the property in excellent condition.

A Cautionary Tale

Jack, another landlord, came to us after a challenging experience with a previous tenant. In his rush to fill a vacancy, he had skipped some screening steps, relying on a single reference and a friendly interview. The tenant, Tim, turned out to be unreliable, missing rent payments and neglecting property upkeep. After a little digging, Jack found out that Tim had given him the number of his friend who acted as his previous landlord. Turns out, he’d never even rented before! Seeking our help, Jack now benefits from our thorough screening process, ensuring every tenant undergoes complete background and multiple reference checks. 


Ready to find the perfect tenant and ensure your property is well-managed? Reach out to The Rent Shop today for professional property management services. Visit our website, give us a call, or drop by our office to learn more about how we can assist you. Let’s make your tenancy screening journey a success, together.

Tracey Briggs
Property Trust Account Manager